September Plans for Spectacular Spring

Cape Cod News editorial staff

In this episode of In the Garden, Garden Coach Priscilla Husband shares her September "to do" list for a spectacular spring.

"So leave those seed heads to dry standing for our native birds...

Priscilla Husband
Garden Coach

What should we do in the fall garden?

September 2024 - Cape Cod MA - This month garden coach Priscilla Husband shares her "to-do" list for the fall Cape Cod garden and said a little pre-planning makes for spectacular spring .. and make the birds happy too.

What are the top fall garden tasks?

Trimming perennials, planting spring bulbs,  assessing the health and status of the plants, and dividing plants like iris form part of the top tips for fall gardens, while the list rounds up with trimming and harvesting herbs, and choosing seed heads and ornamental grasses for native birds to enjoy and to and winter interest to the dormant garden.

Hear how to prepare your garden for the fall and next spring  in this episode of "In the Garden"

Scroll up to watch the short In the Garden video or click HERE to open it in a new window.

Watch more about gardening:

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