Tales to Tails

Cape Cod News editorial staff

Furry paws meet young readers in a tale of tails at Brewster Ladies Library as youngsters read aloud to an attentive audience of canine companians

"Its gives children an opportunity reading to an audience that doesn't judge them  ... "

— Nori Morganstein
Youth Services Director, Brewster Ladies Library

What is Tales to Tails?

Tales to Tails brings together children and dogs at the library, letting children read along to a very willing listening audience. The trained therapy dogs who participate in the program know how to tune in to early readers, encouraging them without judging their reading or the way the say a word out loud, providing the young readers with practice and encouragement. In return, the pups love having their ears and bellies rubbed by the whole family. 

What happened at Brewster Ladies Library on Cape Cod?

Youth Services Director Nori Morganstein said 63 children and eight dogs spent the rainy day reading together. Dogs of all sizes and breeds wagged tails, wiggled ears, and listened with bright alert eyes as children at many different reading levels shared books with their furry companions. This marks the ninth year the library has offered the popular Tales to Tails reading day.

What are the benefits of kids reading to dogs?

For beginning readers, the dogs bring a non-judgemental ear that encourages and supports the reading effort. The pups listen and never criticize a mispronunciation or a stumble - but provide an attentive audience. The opportunity to read aloud strengthens reading skills and reading confidence in new readers - and the library says that the canine audience brings the perfect partner for children as they find their way with the written word.

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