Eddy Ready?

Cape Cod News editorial staff

The 2023-24 school year begins in days; a Brewster principal shares a few words of wisdom as students get ready to start a new year.

"We're looking for two way communication. We're looking for involvement in the schools in a way that halted during COVID  - so that's definitly a change we are working on ... to make our schools communitys chools lwhere families and caregivers and community members are invited in to share their expertise and be part of our students' learning opportunities ... "

— Steve Guditus
Princiapl, Eddy Elementary School

When does the school year start?

Lower Cape Cod schools start right after Labor Day.

  • In the Monomoy district,  Grades 1-12 start Tuesday Sept. 5, with kindergarten starting Thursday Sept 7.
  • In the Nauset district, schools, grades K-12 start Thursday Sept 7, with pre-K starting Wednesday Sept 13.
  • In Provincetown,  grades K-8  start Tuesday September 5.

What about COVID 19 concerns or impact on schools?

COVID no longer impacts daily operations, says Brewster's Eddy Elementary principal Steve Guditus. While it follows CDC protocols if student, teacher, or staff is sick, other than that the school is all-in with all in-person. However, the school has adapted some of the tools used remotely during the pandemic and is deploying them within in-person scenarios, for example connecting adult experts in a remote location with kids in the classroom.

What is Eddy READY?

As the school moved out of the COVID pandemic era, it adopted an acronym to summarize its philosophy and expectations. "Eddy READY"  asks students and families to build a culture of Respect, Empathy, Accountability, Determination, and "Your-best."  These underlie the core values and deep learning approach that the school hopes will mark the 2023-24 school year and become part of the post-pandemic school environment.

What is different this school year?

In many ways, this new school year reflect a return to pre-pandemic values. One strong initiative in Brewster involves actively inviting families, caregivers and members of the community to come into the school and be part of the learning experience - a marked change from the past several years.


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