Housing Huzzah

Cape Cod News editorial staff

Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll joined in the cheers for housing at the former Gov. Prence motel in Orleans, a site slated for multiple types of housing development.

“At the end of the day, what brings joy for me is we're creating a space that someone will call home.”
Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll
Lt. Gov., Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Why was housing celebrated?

28 August 2024 - ORLEANS, MA - Lt. Governor Kim Discoll celebrated the Commonwealth's new Affordable Homes Act along with Cape housing organizations Wednesday August 28  at the former Gov. Prence hotel in Orleans, which is itself slated to become newhousing. The gathering celebrated the new legislation and what it means for Cape Cod.

What is in the Affordable Homes Act?

The Affordable Home Act, signed into law on August 2 2024, includes $5.16 B for housing as well as more than 50 policy initiatives. Two of the initiatives Cape housing advocates point to of particular Cape interest are enabling ADUs by right and support for green and sustainable housing development.

What is happening at the former Gov. Prence?

The former Gov. Prence property showcases the types of project proponents hope the new legislation will support. The Town of Orleans purchased the former Gov. Prence in 2020 and after various reviews, the Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) won the bid to develop the project. The housing agency said it  will be turning the five-acre location into ten affordable market rate townhomes, seven Habitat for Humanity homes, an a low, moderate, and market rate rental project, which together add to the regional diversity of housing inventory.

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