Cape Cod News editorial staff
Both birth and death can be very isolating events whether people are becoming parents or are dying. Our society's purely medical and institutionalized approach to these two major life transitions is becoming outdated, and people are looking for more holistic, community-based experiences. The saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child, but yet new parents are expected to go at it mostly alone. Enter doulas – non medical support persons with evidence-based training. Whether it is birth- postpartum- or death doulas, they are here to help navigate through a process that can leave many people feeling lonely. Having a new baby is a joyous occasion, but Becky Fischer, postpartum doula, says it can also be a difficult and stressful time, especially for the birthing parent.
Childbirth and the postpartum period comes with preconceptions and expectations around how mothers should be and what they should be doing. According to Fischer one of the most common things she hears new parents say is how hard it is to ask their families and friends for help with taking care of the baby. She says new parents are also inundated with advice from family, friends and social media, which can be overwhelming. A doula is a neutral person with evidence based information who sole purpose is to help and support, removing the guilt and stigma in having to ask.
The increase of postpartum doulas signify more acceptance and awareness around the support new parents need. MassHealth has started a new doula initiative covering doula services for members, and on Cape Cod the Perinatal Awareness Alliance has created a grant funded program for postpartum doula services. Watch the video to learn more about the program, and what a postpartum doula can do for a new family.
Scroll up to watch the video to learn more about what a doula does and what the research says about the medical and mental benefits having a doula entails. Or click HERE.
Click here to see LCTV News previous coverage on death doulas.
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